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"This great river of life must be tapped and the withering field irrigated at once, or the harvest of health be forever lost."


Andrew Taylor Still on CerebroSpinal Fluid


The Work

I love to be of service and work with a variety of methods to uniquely address each client’s individual needs.


I have studied Craniosacral Therapy and related approaches like Visceral Manipulation, Strain-Counterstrain, Feldenkrais, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Technique, Neuromuscular  Re-EducationPilates and Therapeutic Exercise for more than two decades.

I also use the 'Fulford Percussor' to release adaptive holding patterns in the muscular system. A typical session starts with assessment and structural alignment of the pelvis and spine through Applied Kinesiology techniques and 'Vector Point Cranial Adjusting', a very elegant method to align the spine without use of force. This prepares the body perfectly for accessing deeper levels of healing with CranioSacral therapy.

If indicated, I may prescribe some postural exercises to support lasting change.


I have studied the structural-mechanical, functional and biodynamic approaches of Craniosacral therapy and am well versed in all of them.


Craniosacral Therapy has been a miracle to me and many others. The resiliency of our nervous systems continues to amaze me.


CranioSacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive hands–on modality, which restores free mobility of the nervous system and associated tissues and bones. It was initially developed by the American Osteopath Dr. William Sutherland as ‘Cranial Osteopathy’ in the beginning of the 20th century. Dr Sutherland detected a gentle rhythmic mobility of the bones and fluids of the cranium and of the central nervous system. He found that even gentle manipulation of and communication with the  Craniosacral system and its fluid ‘tides’ could  yield great benefits for his patients, with a wide variety of conditions. Dr. John Upledger has re-introduced the work as 'Craniosacral Therapy' to a wider public.


The Craniosacral system is comprised of the bones of the cranium, the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid and the dural membranes, which envelop the brain and spinal cord all the way down to their attachment on the sacrum. The craniosacral rhythm -a gentle ebb and flow of the fluids around the brain and spinal cord- can be felt most strongly at the head (cranium) and at the base of the spine (sacrum).

During a typical session the clients lays comfortably on his/her back, fully dressed, while the practitioner gently restores more freedom and ease in the system through gentle contacts with the sacrum, cranium and any other area that presents with restrictions in fluid movement. Often a state of deep peace and fluid expansion is experienced. Craniosacral therapy establishes more freedom, fluidity and resilience in the nervous system and can help to release tension and holding patterns that have been deeply ingrained in our nervous system, often since birth.


CST can support and enhance your body's self-healing capabilities. The "Breath of Life" and it's innate Intelligence direct the flow of the sessions.


CST has been beneficial in conditions like low back and neck pain, sciatica, migraines, TMJ problems, fatigue, whiplash, tinnitus, vertigo, any stress related symptoms, post-surgically and has helped clients with Multiple Sclerosis, post- stroke symptoms and Parkinson’s disease.




Life is motion - Fluid Motion.  From the moment we spiral from fluid into shape, to the densification of fluid into membrane, muscle and bone, our fluids carry the original blueprint of health. 



The Craniosacral System is at the Core of our Being

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